Oslo Syndrome

06:39, 2013, HD video


I heard the word Oslo for the first time in 1993, mentioned in conjunction with the Oslo accord - the peace agreement between the Israeli government and the Palestinian liberation organization (PLO) that was brokered in Oslo. At the time Oslo did not mean the capital of Norway to me and the agreement itself did not make much sense to me either. To me it just meant that I would have a passport and be able to travel around the world.

I still remember someone telling me that after Oslo you would be able to have breakfast in Palestine, lunch in Jordan, and dinner wherever you want in the world. Unfortunately nothing changed on the ground, on the contrary things became more difficult and the Palestinian areas became smaller and smaller.

13 years later, Oslo appeared again in my life, when I received a scholarship from the Norwegian authorities to study in Oslo, where I have been living since. 2013 brought the Oslo Agreement into spotlight all over again and therefore I decided to make a short film about my personal relationship with Oslo.


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